NEWSLETTER: Wow, it’s amazing how fast time flies! Can you believe that HER Resiliency Center opened its doors one year ago today?
In one year we accomplished:
- 50 peers served
- 35 weekly workshops hosted
- 8 peers were supported in applying for and securing stable housing
- 31 peers were prepped for the workforce
- 15 peers received full-time or part-time jobs
- 3 peers interned at HER
- 8 peers returned to school
- 4 grants were secured
- 5 fundraising events hosted
- 1 – and first – full time staff member hired
- 3 professional development staff trainings
And we moved from a cubicle to an office! Whew, and we are just getting started!
Just last week, I spoke at NPR’s The Moth at the Brooklyn Academy of Music to more than 800 people about my story and HER.
Already this month, we have met with various nonprofits,
businesses, and organizations including representatives from University District of Columbia Community College and Ballou STAY High School. We had great conversations about bringing HER to their classrooms and campuses to serve their young adult female students! Tonight, I will speak to students at American University as guest lecturer about HER, domestic violence and sex trafficking. The work we do at HER is so important, and we want to get different communities involved and working together. Do you have an idea of someone in the community we should talk to? Please let us know!
Our plans for this year include a continuation of growth and expansion. We hope to be able to hire another Skills and Strengths Facilitator to work directly with the peers, build key partnerships, and expand our level of impact in the DC area, but we need your help!
Here is how you can help:
$200 funds diapers, wipes and formula for our new mothers.
$35 funds our Tuesday night workshops.
$10 funds a gift card to Giant and Target, so our peers can afford basic necessities such as laundry detergent, food and hygiene products.
Want more ways to help? We would love your support!
Have you considered….
- Being a mentor for a peer?
- Hosting a fundraising event at your home or office?
- Helping us find and write grants?
- Sharing an idea for a workshop with our peers?
- Putting us in touch with someone you know?
- Have other ideas you want to share?
Please let us know, we would love for you to be involved and help the HER community grow!
Thank you for supporting HER this year. We are looking forward to your input and community building for many years to come!